Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Three Rivers State Park - Georgia to the N.

Three Rivers State Park
The stress just melts away as you look at the lake, enjoy the nature trail trying to identify birds, or watch the campfire smolder that I'd made earlier with Spanish moss and branches collected from around our campsite.  Shopcat, on a leash checked out the campground, wood ducks and tree stumps  Mike BBQed burgers and asparagus again. We caught a few episodes of Duck Dynasty on A&E.  Cass got us on to that funny series.

Day 2 was raining so we drove to Tallahassee  to fill up the service tank with diesel as price is going up everywhere.  Was $4.29 many places but settled for $4.07 altho online at gasbuddy.com we saw $3.83 in the last 48 hours but those service stations were out of diesel.  Got 2 movies FLIGHT and Argo.
Shopcat is enjoying the area.  I take new nature trails each day; got lots of ides how to add to Glendive's trails.

Day 3 - Mike washing coach and I went to town and did laundry and went to library to get on internet and  update blog.  These black southern gals talk so fast I catch about every three words!

 The volunteer says they haven't seen n alligator since 2008 but you don't want to be the one to find out they are still there.  Mike refused to go in a canoe with me.

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