Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Levy off limits

As we took the highway along the Mississippi to as far south as we could go in Louisiana, we couldn't see the Mississippi. so we take the occasional nicely graveled road to the levy and ride along the top. There are absolutely NO signs that say "authorized vehicles only". In fact, some have signs about some oil or fishing company or . One levy ride we took led us to huge coal piles and a conveyor system to unload the coal from barges. As we took pictures, 2 guards hollered to us so we backed up and played the dumb Montanan. Mike extending a had to shake and asking about their operation. They asked how we got up there and told us it was off limits. They didn't confiscate our cameras but it did remind me of when I took a picture in Tiffany's of NY and the security guards were on me like fleas on a dog. (Just to clear the record, I took a picture of the pheasant wreath on the wall, not the jewelry to copy.) We still checked out the top of the levys but didn't venture along the top of the dike.

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