Friday, February 27, 2015

Hello Plains, GA and the Carters

RedBrick Plantation RV & Golf Resort.  27 hole course.  $36/night

The Ibas and the Carter

 Crops in the Real Georgia are cotton and peanuts.  They rotate them as peanuts, grown underground, are legumes, very good for the soil. Once harvested, they lay on the ground for a couple of days for the dirty to fall off.  then picked up and put in red wagons and hooked up to fans to dry out.  Similar to wheat- stored until purchased for processing.   Fom this stage, folks make boiled peanuts.

Cotton is grown in alternate years - stalky bushes with few leaves about 3' high.  When the pods pop, it's time to harvest.  Hand picking can be hazardous as the pods have such sharp points.  This is what the slaves would harvest before combines.  A lot is left on the plant.

The boll weevil  cut the cotton  but the visitor center said it wasn't an issue in this county of lifetime farmers who cared for their farmland,
The Plains High School is now a museum for the Carters.  Both went to school there graduating in 1940 and 1944.  Now run by NPS, free admission.

Mike looking presidential behind the Resolute desk (replica).

Jimmy Carter still teaches Sunday School at the Baptist Church when in town.

We drove by their home, right along hiway 280 at the edge of Plains.  Gated with secredt service building at the endry.  A sign says "No Stopping".

They are very active internationally with foundations to improve drinking water in poor nations in Africa.


RedGate Stables Plantation RV Campground.
 Tybee Island
Tybee Island they sail in the inland
waterways or Atlantic.
Shells growing on pillars on dock,

Ended up spending a week here and could easily stay a month as this campground and Savannah are ideal.  Spent the day at the riverfront.  Mike was waiting for a big ship to go down the Savannah River but only saw tour boats.  We didn't get to Paula Deens but the food was great.
wow and the guy was on the back.  What does he do for a living?
The riverfront had 15 info-posters along the
 riverfront and Mike read them all.
I shopped the riverfront streets
but all I bought was Georgia pralines
made at the shop.  $17.95/#.
So much for gifts, we've been snacking
on this irresistable treat.
I had alaska and snow crab and made a mess
again, but so worth it.

WWII memorial. Even the grates reflected that.

The waving lady would come down here daily for 44 years.  Our tour guide said it was for a long lost love hoping he would come home by ship.  Others said she greeted all the ships to welcome them.  My bet is there was a man involved. 
750 000 gallons of water flows out of Savannah river to the Atlantic daily.  The first steamboat, named Savannah traversed to Europe in 1813,  Pres. Madison came down for the dedication.  This bridge was built in the 1970s, adding to another bridge farther upstream.  We took it to Hilton Head.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Fort Pulaski changed war and made forts obsolete

Fort Pulaski was named after Polish Count who fought in the revolutionary war and is credited withstarting the cavalry. This fort was part of the security of the coast after the war of 1812, ordered by Pres. Madison.  This fort of 25 million bricks cost $1,000,000 in 1847.  The marshy land was bermed up and drained by LT. Robert E. Lee, his first job after West Point. 
t was built by the US Army but Georgia took it over in 1860 and the confederates took it over after the Civil War started.  The volunteer guide did an awesome bringing the fort to life.  The war changed when the union for weeks were building

up cannons at night on Tybee Island 1 mile away.  Lee said no worries when he visited cuz Columbiad cannons can only go a half mile.  When the union started bombing in April, 1862, they could not only reach the fort, but could concentrate on hitting one corner so the bricks rained down taking away 4' of the 7' thick wall.  Once they broke an opening through, they could lob a cannon right to the powder magazine.  Remember the US Army built this so they knew exactly where the powder magazine was. The union was using new technology - the rifled cannon with spiraling grooves inside that increased the speed and accuracy along with using a cartridge filled with powder or shrapnel rather than a cannonball.  When one landed in front of the magazine, Commander Olmstead surrendered with only 1 dead and 383 prisoners who  all came back after spending the war up north as POWs.


If the RV park isn nearby a church on Sunday, I go.   Today in Savannah by Red Gate Campground, I went to The Seed Church and it was an uplifting worship and praise group reflective of the Savannah population (55% black, 38% white,7% other)/  They were so friendly and so full of the spirit.  I like the big screens, the people feeling free to go down in front and groove with the the worship team like a rock concert.  This was young and old, black and white alike,.  I wonder if our new pastor from GA would like to liven up our ritual service.
Praise team at the he 9 am service at the See  Church
The pastor reminded me of Rita Barthel, from her looks, clothes, passion and language - "Hello!  Are you out there?"  Her message was preaching, teaching and healing. We are here for the preaching but need the teaching (get educated in the Word to share the message) and then healing. The Bible verses of her message are on the big screen like Joyce Meyers.  Lots of chiming in on the sermon, hallelujah.  Got lots of hugs as we greet each other during the service.   She asked if there were any from Nigeria?  Several hands rose.  1000 Christians killed this week in Nigeria according to Christianity Today  Prayer meeting Tuesday.

In Panama City Beach, it also was was a nondenominational church, The Lighthouse Church by the Emerald Coast RV park.  A friendly retired gentleman I sat by introduced me to the pastor and many other church members, most with nametags.  High energy, young people, folks from the mission were brought by bus, all ages (kids in sunday school), it was full.  The pastor in jeans and a T-shirt, shared that the church was for all, we are all sinners but saved by grace.  He gets so mad when the spring breakers come, and Christians protest "repent or you go to hell" down on the beach. That's not God's message. Jesus sat down with the tax collectors and the poor.

Cathedral of St John
the Baptist built in 1873 in Savannah.


Saturday, February 21, 2015

Fort McAllister -Earthen fortification from Civil War

Fort McAllister embankments

protecting the harbor.  When the fort was bombed, it could be
quickly rebuilt overnight with sand and mud.
In 1861 McAllister donated the land and used 100 slaves to build this best-preserved earthwork fortification of the Confederacy. This was a boring confederate camp to protect Savannah and keep shipping lines open with not much action most of the war.  The earthworks were attacked seven times by Union ironclads  but did not fall until 1864 -- ending Gen. William T. Sherman’s “March to the Sea.”  They were invincible by sea but 4000  union attacked by land in Dec.,1864.  The 285 confederates put in these palisades to deter the union in the day's notice of their advance.  Problem is, it was low tide when they arrived so the union just scrambled through and bettle ended in 15 minutes.  Sherman watched from across the bay, but after it fell, soldiers evacuated Savannah, so Sherman give Lincoln a gift of Savannah for Christmas.  Thankfully, he didn't burn Savannah like he did Atlanta and most of GA.  Folks her call it the War of Northern Agression cuz there was nothing "civil" about it. 

This is like going back in time, although I've never seen such a dirt moving project  complete with cannons, a furnace, bombproof, barracks, palisades and more build without big equipment, Great Civil War museum and video and you could get wifi at the office, a mile from our campsite.

Nestled among giant live oaks, Spanish moss and salt marsh, this park and campground is a beautiful location at the entrance to the Ogeechee River.  The campground had only 30 amp service and with the cold, the 110 heaters couldn't keep up and sparks were coming out of the outlet.  We changed to the generator.

campsite pier.  If warmer, would be fun to canoe.

Cold blast in the East

New England, especially Boston has had the Coldest and snowiest winter.  This blast reached Savannah which was 25 degrees and only in the low 30s during the day.  We were staying on Fort McAllister State. Historic Park.  The rangers knocked on our door the first night and said they were turning the water spicket on drizzle so they wouldn't burst with the freeze.  Here's how it looked on Thursday morning.

If the Cargills in Padukah ,KY had -25 with the wind chill, we had nothing to complain about.  I just layered up with leggings and jeans, the warm socks I got from Matt & Leisha, Couple long sleeve tops, Northface jacket, gloves, and scarf.  Mike broke out the turtleneck he hasn't worn since leaving MT.

Shopcat would only spend a few minutes outside, so you know it was cold.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

sailboats in tough shape


Still has hope

Otsters shells in cement wall
It would take a leap of faith to get on this boat.  The engine is hanging in the water held only by the gas line. 

Up Periscope

We wanted to go to the naval nuclear submarine base cuz I had been here on a tour with the state Tech Prep Directors in 1999. I knew Mike would love it but with 9.11 no more tours unless backgroud check and cleared in advance.
We settled for a trip to the submarine museum in historic St, Mary's. 

The video was great.  The confederate sub, Hunley operated by 8 men turning a hand crank was the first sub in combat.  It destroyed the Housatonic ship off Charlston but the skeleton crew never were found until 2000.  It is now being restored. 

Battle of Olustee Reenactment

75 minute reenactment battle was condensed from the 4 hour original battle Feb.20,1864.  5000 on each side  met here 15 miles east of Lake City at Ocean Pond.  Confederates won this one so that's why it's such a popular . 2nd only to Gettysburg .
Five huge bleachers for spectators. $10 entree fee daily.
She pulled her vail over when taps played
at end of battle.  Her two kids also in costume.

These volunteer reenacters have both uniforms so change sides
as needed, depending on the battle 

Confederates  reinforced from behind.

Upcoming reenactments posted in the vendor area .

Vendor merchandise

Ironclad bomb.
Reenacter blind

Portable blacksmith-The billows superheated the coal made the iron  red hot, 2000 degrees, so he could pound it into hooks or other shapes. This was typically taken to a plantation for a weeks worth of work'.  The military has a less elaborate version..  Blacksmiths made as much as Doctors..  


The Civil War Olustee Battlefield Reenactment was beyond expectations.  First, Friday  when we arrived in Lake City, I went to town to print some documents at the library and get Shopcat's cat food. There were blocks of booths with white tent tops and musicians performing on the stage.  I looked till they closed at 6 cuz it 's a place Mike avoids like the plague  ( except for the food - I took home dinner).  Our neighbors, Tom & Sharon, at Oaks & Pine RV Park are going to the Daytona 500.  Their son-in-law is #9 and won the Indianapolis 500 in 2006 or 8.

Miss Olustee pageant winners

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The Confederate Ironclad
Saturday, Valentines Day, we went downtown to the same place to watch the parade.  Mike was impressed with the food booths around the stage square.  The dignitaries sit on bleachers in front of city hall.  Just like home, the city police and fire trucks lead the parade.  Then followed the union and confederate soldiers, the parade grand marshal, city and county and state elected officials from judges to legislators, descendants of the Olustee battle. Then came the Miss Olustee Pageant winners from 3 years to the beauty who will vie for Miss Florida.  Miss Southside Idol was in a convertible - this beauty  in heels and red tight pants and a white sleeveless pedlum top belted out songs later on the stage.  I assume she is vying to be on American Idol.  The gymnastics class did flips all along the route followed by the mechanized calvary on motorcycles with the logo on their backs. 

Kudos to the lady in charge and all the committees. They offered bus rides to the battlefield 15 miles from the airport for $2 but we wanted vehicle control.  We all had to park along the highway on both sides.  We walked at least a mile to the battlefield  That day we made 16,435 steps (10,000 is my goal and I don't make that half the time). /watchbattleofolustee