Saturday, February 20, 2010

Fredericksburg on Friday

Rene,' the tour guide, had found that the German town of Fredericksburg also had wineries, so the designated ndriver changed to Cassco as he no longer touches the stuff. We stopped at the first one we saw-Das Peach Haus which had great TX products too so we tasted wines and even got "free" insulated wine bottle carriers, and all sorts of great food. See store page.

We then went in search for German lunch. On the way into a German restaurant we talked to the Miller beer distributor, a former cop, who confirmed it was a good place to eat. His family had a long history there and was on the wrong side during the war but their town kept to themselves. I had a Fireman micro brew from Blanco,TX and we split a great sausage kraut lunch. The guys went to Admiral Nimitz WWII -Pacific Front museum (Fredricksburg was his hometown). The town was filled with unique shops so Rene & I explored kitchen stores, Quilt shops, home furnishing shops, Christmas store and sampled more wine until the guys called.

We ate at Rudy's for dinner. Great BBQ. The brisket reminded me of GARTH'S FOR HARVESTFEST AS THEY SERVED IT WITH a cheap white bread. Best cream corn ( like the corn I made and froze with leftover corn on the cob from tailgate party). Luckily we have some leftovers we will have going down the road as we travel tomorrow.

Came home and I lost a tennis match but beat Cass in a couple rounds of golf == on the Wii that is ( the only way I'd ever win at golf. ) TV fixed itself. SAtillno word on the PDC stolen TV. Cal said the police in the Ranger said they had no leads which she couldn't understand as we know who did it. I figure the police aren't ready to tell the press while still waiting to capture the suspects

Altho I haven't expounded on all the bus details = that's a story unto itself especially since Mike watched RV. He's cleaned out fecal matter and is enjoying his new ladder Cassco got him at Camping World - it collapses to 6" x 6" x 7' Mike has the bus shining.

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