Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Going to fill up with gas Mike toticed the light come on that would not allow him to shift grears. We parked in back of the Flying J and nervously turned off the engine and called buddy Cass, even resorted to reading the manuals - which are extensive. We gave it some time and analysed Mike's driving --this was the trip thru the snowstorm and rain. Mike, wanting to clean that bus, hit every waterpuddle he could after getting it sprayed with red rock snow in the mountains. That was my bet - was water. Anyway it started back up and we filled up. Highest price yet $2.88 for diesel, and worse mileage as 40 mph headwinds. You can't put a price on fun!

Since all that took time, we weren't going to make the 3:10 to Yuma (watched that along the way). SO- GOT ON LINE TO FIND A CAMPGROUND. That is a time consuming process - figuring what town, reading the reviews - you have to find a balance between "noisy, near interstate" and "convenient access" and then call to see if they have room for a "big rig". When my choice on the west side of tucson did not and recommended another, by the time I had called them, we had to take the very next exit . Thank God for Alice, our GPS. It sure saves a lot of yelling at the co-pilot --it is permissable to yell at Alice.

What a place, It was a huge campground with a 12 bay repair shop and "Camping World" store. Beautifully landscaped and the website invited us to help ourselves to lemons from our tree by the campground. ALMOST EVERYONE HAD ONE. The low pickings were gone, but Mike reached me a couple which I added to my hard lemonade at cocktail hour.

Made lasagna for dinner --well -- not exactly made but heated deli lasagna that wouldn't pass the truth in advertising packaging. It was a container inside a container which on the outside certainly looked to feed 4. Thank goodness, there wasn't company as it was only 2 servings. In the future will get the frozen food version. Great tasting tho. Beat Mike in 3 games of gin. How about that Olympic skating area reverberating with O, Canada. Wasn't that inspiring for the skate dancing. Wish we had an anthem that didn't cover 2 octaves.

Went swimming and Jacuzziing at 7AM before free breakfast 37 degrees this AM. Met some folks from Manitoba while I devoured 3 warm powder-sugar coated deep-fried scones. Back on the road to Yuma.

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