Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day 3 -Oklahoma City

Sat morning the Cassidys and Mike & I headed to Franks Trailer Sales to pick up the new trailer. On the way we saw a flea market across the street, so Rene' and I headed there as the guys got trailers swapped. Great looking trailer and the guys got a great deal on clip-on heavy-duty ratcheting straps to secure a vehicle to the trailer.

The flea market had at least 5 vendors selling chickens of all varieties. The 5-acre field had tailgate booths of tools, guns, broken drumsets, toys, VCR tapes, plus a few tin and wood sheds of junk including piles of wranglers for $4. Rene' got a couple of champagne classes that matches her set she had priced at $15 ea which she got for $2. I got Mike a pair of 36x40 jeans but they were missized, even tho that's what the label said. Either Smiler gets a pair of Wranglers to cut off or we'll make a jean quilt! A guy from Kalispell had a booth of carved bears. We discussed the state of the nation with him while we admired his log carved fishing bear. It looked the the same artist that did the bears for the Book'n Bear, but I forgot to ask. We wondered how they could sell guns and ammo at a flea market but the trailer sales guy laughed and said we're in hillbilly country.

Went to the Oklahoma bombing site (see blog) and us girls went to a science museum especially for kids where they showed kids how to blow up stuff. Go figure!

Went to Spencer's Barbecue last night for great ribs and apple fritters. I found it on the internet. The owner took a liking to us and gave us extra fritters to go. When Cassco ordered cinnamon rolls to take home, he threw them in for free too. Had pulled pork sandwiches from the leftovers for lunch Sunday.


  1. okay, peg and mike. sounds like things are going well for you! great! i am paying for being gone , playing alot of catchup at work, but that is okay -new z. was a real trip in many ways!

    i like the way you have incorporated pics in your blog, mrs iba, very nice! you will have to show me how to do that sometime. i was in bismarck today visiting my old friend jim geiger. very sad time for me as jim is on his way out to see the Lord, i am afraid. his
    cancer has really advanced and he is very weak, i felt i had to see him and tell him how
    much i valued our friendship and the good times and reassure him that God loves him and
    we are praying daily for him. i am kind of misty about the whole thing right now, but i have to remind myself that it is not my time
    but God's time and He has a plan for all of us.

    enough on that. today was a bright and beautiful and blue sky day. single digit cold
    but the sun makes me feel better. lance and
    reese holst went to biz with me, they wanted to visit jim and get a new computer at the same time. so i had company for the quick trip anyway. my wifey had a bad cold so we
    didn't think it would be good for either her
    or jim so she stayed home.

    i think it is so cool that you two are doing this - what a neat experience! and i like following your antics on the blog.

    when i was in best buy today, i checked on one of those real small "notebook computer"
    but i need to confer with smiler ,my computer
    guru, as to which would be the best etc.
    what is his email by the way?

    well, prob should get to bed as it looks like another busy week coming on. in fact ,we have
    investment club this week as well as other things.

    so how long before you move on down the road?
    tell senior iba i will check on the bighorn fish the weekend of feb 26, 27 and 28. my son in law brian and who knows who will be with me, long as the weather is decent.

    God bless and be careful! km

  2. Good morning - it's 20 below this morning - sky is clear and blue - beautiful outside. Thought you'd like to know so you can appreciate the above zero temp you are experiencing. Hope things in Dallas have cleared up for you so the roads are not icy.
    Glad to hear about Clayton! That is great news. Please congratulate him for us! I'll be interested to meet her as well the next time he visits Glendive. I'm stuck home today. Good day for it. I got a heck of a cold/sinus infection so am not going into volunteer today. Good thing - no car. Kevin's truck did not want to move today so he took my car. I don't think the old pickup will start in this cold.
    Have fun in Dallas!

  3. Glad to hear your trip is going well. Sounds like you are seeing lots of country. I hear the BBQ down south is great, so enjoy. It is below zero here again today, so bring some warmer weather when you come home. We survived the GATE show. My feet hurt after being on that cement floor for 2 days, but recooperated over the weekend. How was the Roadrunner wine? We had some for Valentines day and Arvid's brithday yesterday. Have an exotic fruit zinfandel to bottle this week. Take care and enjoy your trop

  4. ComPuter guru Chris ibaman009@HOTMAIL.COM or 939-1153

    Sher- haven't had the wine yet. Rene had wine open the night we arrived in OK and haven't been home to open another bottle yet. We leave for New Mexico Sat.
