Monday, March 16, 2015

Grand Canyon of TX

We left Dallas early in the morning, or tried to.  The plan was 5AM but Shopcat got out the front

door and hid under some coaches. 15 minutes later lured by yogurt, we captured her and took off.. We got on some wrong roads in that spaghetti noodles of highways.  Finally several hours later it finally got light and we were out of Dallas Fort Worth Metro area and back to farmland. That daylight savings time seems like a month earlier than usual.  Are we saving any daylight?

New destination: Amarillo.  The campground at Palo Duro Canyon State Park was full so we stayed at Amarillo Ranch RV Park.  Nice Place and pool (forgot to use)  Mike and Shopcat had a great place to explore.

The next morning we headed to Palo Duro Canyon State Park 22 miles S of town, flatter than a pancake with cattle ranches dotting the countryside.  We pay $5 entry fee/person and within 100 yards of  the entry, we are heading down an 800' canyon with trails.  Horse rides, mountain biking and hiking trails live in harmony here. Campgrounds are at the bottom on the canyon so thank goodness it was full.  Mike would have been a wreck with the coach.   Perhaps they would have directed us to the campground and zipline .

The visitors' center tells the story of the Indians  hiding here and Coronado before that. This canyon has water and protection from the elements so they could live here year around.  In 1876 Lt. Mackensie in  the battle of Palo Duro, they ran off the Indians, burned their supplies and took 300 of their horses and killed the remaining 1000.  The Indians had to walk back to the reservation or starve.

 We checked out the zipline as people have suggested that for Makoshika.  They are on private land and charge $25 for 1st, $14 for repeat trips.  They also offer repelling.

He asked me some questions on population, private land  and location.  He's a consultant so I go his  phone #.   He said you used to install them for $150,000 but now because of popularity it can be another $100,000.

This was just a one zip line, not a series.

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