Friday, January 30, 2015

Wednesday Lighthouse and houseplans

We went window shopping at Lowes to see how our tastes matched up when choosing flooring, cabinets, fixtures, window and door styles for the cabin.  Not that we will get them there.   Amazingly compatible or willing to compromise except Mike is firm on granite countertop/backsplash but I can pick color.

Had lunch again at Crabby Joes.  The waitress remembered Mike and  Shopcat walking on the beach Monday.  She just couldn't get her camera out in time. Shopcat has fans everywhere.

Then we walked the beach and the tide was high as waves crashed into the beach. It made Monday seem calm when we were there for breakfast.

Then we ventured down to the ligbthouse built in 1883-1887 at Ponce de Leon Inlet.  Until the 1920 it was known as Mosquito Inlet, but that doesn't market real estate well.

We hiked the 175' tower  ( Mike is afraid of heights so not all the way) now automated so  the 3 homes for the crew that lit the lanterns and maintained the area is now a museum.   They were painting the lighthouse when we were there.  The scaffolding was attached around the lighthouse with a hose type cable suspended from the railing at the top,  I took pictures with my camera from up there- beautiful, but haven't downloaded them yet.
Homemade Cuban raft that was found on shore here in 2013 with no passengers.  Up until 1995, if Cubans were rescued, they were brought to USA and could get citizenship in a year.  This raft was made of  empty 5 gallon jugs, styrofoam, rebar and wrapped with canvas with a wood top and powered by an engine from a Chinese automobile.

Mike and I had an enjoyable day exploring while the rest of the crew went to Orlando changing venues from Epcot to the Holy Experience.  I walked up the the Wholesale Lighting shop when we got back to KOA and drooled over the choices.  Walked 12,300 steps that day.  My goal is 10,000 but have only met that 3 days so far.  Barbecued burgers and taters and onions.

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