Friday, January 30, 2015

Datona Beach - Sunday Monday

Met the crew at 336 Auburn for -BQ Rib steak dinner.  Yum and let the fun begin.  Rick and Donna Kniepkamp. Kevin and Sandi McGovern and Don and Kathi Bisgard stayed at the Daytona Beach home we bought at the GMC Hospital Gala last spring.  We brainstorm activities based on the weather with Thursday being the warmest day so airboat ride would be that day.  An Orlando theme park -Wed.  I'd love to go to Universal studio to see the new Harry Potter theme park but  I'm the only Harry Potter fan.  Mike and I can do that later.

We started Monday morning with breakfast at Sunglow Pier and Crabby Joe's Restaurant with Mark Van Fleet (CHS class of 68) and his wife Ruth, thanks to Facebook, when I commented on a photo of them at the Daytona Beach Speedway the week before we left home.  They had great suggestions of things to do in Daytona and beyond.  These fabulous hosts even gave Rick and Donna brass ballroom dancers trophy statues that Ruth wanted to pass on to worthy recipients when we toured their condo.  Like finding long lost friends, we enjoyed their company, catching up on lives and look forward to seeing them again at the CHS reunion in September. Kevin bought a blowfish at the pier where guys were fishing with stories of catching a shark the week before.  

Mark and Donna looking at view out their condo patio.
We liked the fish and eggs so much, came back later in the week.  The waitress remembered Mike and Shopcat walking on the beach on Monday.  Shopcat was so exhausted after that Mike had to carry her back to the pickup.  I know, spoiled beyond belief. 

That afternoon we toured a chocolate factory shopped a bit downtown in Bisgard's RV as the gals needed sweatshirts for the unseasonably cold weather, nothing like Massachusetts getting 34" of snow.  Count your blessings.  It was so windy, it blew over the patio table at the house and shattered the tile tabletop.
Breezy day at the beach blew over table in the back yard, shattering the tiles.  We emailed this picture to Debbie Seitz.   Her brother lives nearby and would take care of it.

Drinks and a movie

After drinks at Tiki Bar some of us went to the excellent American Sniper movie, Got burgers and fries at Johnny Rockets and took them back to 336 Auburn where Sandi, Kathi and Mike were playing rummy and refining the rules of the game from everyone's version.

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