Friday, January 30, 2015

Airboat on the St. Johns

Went to St Johns River near Geneva for lunch at the Jolly Gator Fish Camp and the crew took an hour airboat ride with Bruce Friar of Central Florida Airboat tours to see alligators and other widlife.

I'm a fan of local so anything that said homemade, I 'm attracted to.  The Jolly Gator looks like a place that would get everything off a Sysco truck and deep-fat-fry it.  A pleasant surprise.  Kevin ordered gater bites for us to try---taste like chicken.  Kathi and I had homemade potato chips that came hot from the deep fryer that all enjoyed ( even though they have bags of chips back at the house - big joke).  Th swamp cabbage soup was awesome - heart of palm, sausage and bacon,  and to top it off homemade Key Lime pie with graham cracker crust and hot coffee.  It was a pleasant memory and I'm sure I was off the chart on the fat content for the day.

I did 3 mile exercise video with the gals at the KOA that morning so that took some of the guilt away.
Hey, we are on vacation.   Got a new power cord for my laptop so playing catchup on blog today.
St Johns River must be great fishing as there were probably 20 boat trailers in the parking lot by the boat ramp.  It must be the Spanish or Catholic influence that rivers are named after saints as the battlefield was on the St. Marks River.

Wednesday Lighthouse and houseplans

We went window shopping at Lowes to see how our tastes matched up when choosing flooring, cabinets, fixtures, window and door styles for the cabin.  Not that we will get them there.   Amazingly compatible or willing to compromise except Mike is firm on granite countertop/backsplash but I can pick color.

Had lunch again at Crabby Joes.  The waitress remembered Mike and  Shopcat walking on the beach Monday.  She just couldn't get her camera out in time. Shopcat has fans everywhere.

Then we walked the beach and the tide was high as waves crashed into the beach. It made Monday seem calm when we were there for breakfast.

Then we ventured down to the ligbthouse built in 1883-1887 at Ponce de Leon Inlet.  Until the 1920 it was known as Mosquito Inlet, but that doesn't market real estate well.

We hiked the 175' tower  ( Mike is afraid of heights so not all the way) now automated so  the 3 homes for the crew that lit the lanterns and maintained the area is now a museum.   They were painting the lighthouse when we were there.  The scaffolding was attached around the lighthouse with a hose type cable suspended from the railing at the top,  I took pictures with my camera from up there- beautiful, but haven't downloaded them yet.
Homemade Cuban raft that was found on shore here in 2013 with no passengers.  Up until 1995, if Cubans were rescued, they were brought to USA and could get citizenship in a year.  This raft was made of  empty 5 gallon jugs, styrofoam, rebar and wrapped with canvas with a wood top and powered by an engine from a Chinese automobile.

Mike and I had an enjoyable day exploring while the rest of the crew went to Orlando changing venues from Epcot to the Holy Experience.  I walked up the the Wholesale Lighting shop when we got back to KOA and drooled over the choices.  Walked 12,300 steps that day.  My goal is 10,000 but have only met that 3 days so far.  Barbecued burgers and taters and onions.

Horse Farms in Mid Florida and KOA

On our way to Daytona we traveled by beautifully fenced horse farms near Ocala, in the middle of Florida.  It turns out many Kentucky derby horses are raised around here.

We arrived at KOA almost at dusk cuz we went to the wrong one, not realizing there were two.  Beyond stressful to Mike when we saw how sandwiched the campers were. The escort helped guide Mike back in the RV, after asking several people to move their vehicles.  Probably will ask people to move vehicles when we leave- which can't be too soon for Mike.  He and Shopcat have found some good exploring places in the thick tropical forest at the edge of the campground.

Datona Beach - Sunday Monday

Met the crew at 336 Auburn for -BQ Rib steak dinner.  Yum and let the fun begin.  Rick and Donna Kniepkamp. Kevin and Sandi McGovern and Don and Kathi Bisgard stayed at the Daytona Beach home we bought at the GMC Hospital Gala last spring.  We brainstorm activities based on the weather with Thursday being the warmest day so airboat ride would be that day.  An Orlando theme park -Wed.  I'd love to go to Universal studio to see the new Harry Potter theme park but  I'm the only Harry Potter fan.  Mike and I can do that later.

We started Monday morning with breakfast at Sunglow Pier and Crabby Joe's Restaurant with Mark Van Fleet (CHS class of 68) and his wife Ruth, thanks to Facebook, when I commented on a photo of them at the Daytona Beach Speedway the week before we left home.  They had great suggestions of things to do in Daytona and beyond.  These fabulous hosts even gave Rick and Donna brass ballroom dancers trophy statues that Ruth wanted to pass on to worthy recipients when we toured their condo.  Like finding long lost friends, we enjoyed their company, catching up on lives and look forward to seeing them again at the CHS reunion in September. Kevin bought a blowfish at the pier where guys were fishing with stories of catching a shark the week before.  

Mark and Donna looking at view out their condo patio.
We liked the fish and eggs so much, came back later in the week.  The waitress remembered Mike and Shopcat walking on the beach on Monday.  Shopcat was so exhausted after that Mike had to carry her back to the pickup.  I know, spoiled beyond belief. 

That afternoon we toured a chocolate factory shopped a bit downtown in Bisgard's RV as the gals needed sweatshirts for the unseasonably cold weather, nothing like Massachusetts getting 34" of snow.  Count your blessings.  It was so windy, it blew over the patio table at the house and shattered the tile tabletop.
Breezy day at the beach blew over table in the back yard, shattering the tiles.  We emailed this picture to Debbie Seitz.   Her brother lives nearby and would take care of it.

Drinks and a movie

After drinks at Tiki Bar some of us went to the excellent American Sniper movie, Got burgers and fries at Johnny Rockets and took them back to 336 Auburn where Sandi, Kathi and Mike were playing rummy and refining the rules of the game from everyone's version.

Chocolate factory

We toured Angel and Phelps Chocolate Factory Monday afternoon with free samples and Sven, a great tour guide.  They were gearing up for Valentines day with the chocolate covered pretzels.  We all indulged  and left with a bag or box of chocolates but drew the line at chocolate covered bacon.  Separate is better.

Natural Bridge Battlefield

We arrived Sunday in Daytona, a day later than the others as were in a rainstorm in the south that preceded the big snowstorm up the northeast coast. Mike doesn't travel in that.  

The coach detoured to Natural Bridge Battlefield Historic State Park south of Tallahassee. This 2nd largest battle in FL saw 600 confederates defending the natural bridge that goes underground a few hundred feet of St. Mark's river.  The 800 union soldiers in 12 boats ran aground on the St. Marks River and suffered heavy losses, thus saving Tallahassee, the only southern state capital that didn't surrender to the Union.
Enjoyed a visit with 3 black folks fishing on the green scummy water by natural bridge. They had a campfire going and Shopcat was interested in getting the lid off their bucket of fish.

Down that same highway 363 is Wakulla Springs Lodge built by Ed Ball, Tabasco baron and brother-in-law of Al DuPont.  This stop was recommended by Mark Van Fleet who has stayed here.   Ed Ball, wanting to preserve this beautiful area, supervised the building of this ultimate resort in 1934-37 with Tennessee marble that was cut and cross cut for perfectly matching longest marble bar (70'), counters, wainscoting, stairways that matched so well you couldn't see the grout.  The best art deco elevator is still in use, made of walnut and marble.  Deadheaded cypress (so won't rot) is used throughout the lodge.  The crystal clear springs were featured in several movies.   Will hit this on the way back cuz of time.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Vidalia,LA & Natchez, MS

Shopcat in 7th heaven exploring.

We stayed at Riverview RV Resort in Vadalia, LA, right across the Natchez, MS,      Fabulous view of the Mississippi from our RV.  Shopcat loved it.

Natchez has a national military cemetery est. 1866 with soldiers from civil war (if they found a pile of bones, they got buried as unknown soldier) up to present day military.  They average 3 funerals a week. They are working on a touch screen directory to find your relatives. at's sTh

There were more millionaires in Natchez before the Civil War than anywhere in the US, The cotton farmers needed a place to entertain so they built beautiful antibellum homes   The town offers fall and spring pilgrimages where everyone dresses up.  This would be a great girls trip as many of the mansions are B&Bs.   Glad General Grant didn't destroy these homes after the union took control.

Ate blackened catfish at Roux 61 and then it rained all afternoon and eve so we didn't get to go to the cotton plantation.   I worked on window selection for cabin.  TOO MANY CHOICES.  For example 7 DIFFERENT KINDS OF SCREENS.

It turns out Mike and Lorene Cassidy were 76 miles N in Vicksburg and Bisgards 2 hours South.  Will rendezvous with both on this trip.

Duck Dynasty

Got up early to leave Dallas before morning traffic.  I-20 to West Monroe,LA and Duck Dynasty. Even at 5:30 AM  4 lanes were busy but moving along.  I'm so glad Mike is driving but it's really a team effort as I'm the navigator.  Favorite apps google maps, trip advisor, RV Parky ( that Chris found) and Gas Buddy.  Diesel has been $2.49 in Dallas to $2.59 in Vadalia, LA, Valentine,NE and Dodge,City, KS.  We go 500 miles between fillups.

Stopped at Duck Commander in West Monroe, LA.  The Robinsons-Phil, Si, Willy & Jase, etc.  were in Las Vegas to visit with some body armor folks who wanted to use their logo.  I saw  Miss Kate would be in San Antonio this weekend.

I went shopping for duck calls and T-shirts at the gift shop. More inspiring was witnessing the 3 disabled vets in wheel chairs shopping there thanking an Air Force flight crew in uniform from Pensacola also in the gift shop. The guys in uniform returned thanks to the vets for their service and shook hands. One paraplegic then got in his vehicle. The other two were helped by guys in the pickup with a trailer for their wheelchairs. The Robinsons would have loved it. 

 Mike and Shopcat explored around the side of the warehouse.  He must have showed on security cameras so Terry, the manager checked in and they visited about cats, etc.  The warehouse dock area ( seen on TV) has to have a yellow Steel railing between shoes according to OSHA.  Mike has his business card and offer to call him anytime.

McKinney, TX and Marathon shop

Had a fun time in McKinney and Grand Prairie while the alternator and the Marathon.  Priscilla was having her landscape upgraded at her rental.  Cute place on Hole #1.  The project goes slower thanon DIY Network but what a nice selection of plats to choose from in warmer climates.

We shopped in downtown McKinney.  Clayton had a lamb burger with feta cheese.  Farm to Market is big here too,

We played dice and had pizza from Firestone Pizza at the RV.  Although Mike thought the coach next to us was the Cowboy Cheerleaders, it belongs to Jerry the owner.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Get the Heck out of Dodge

We left Dodge Friday morning and headed to Dallas.  Mike wanted to go straight to Marathon Service Center; I thought we should keep our reservation with Lighthouse RV at least one night as Mike ordered cigars delivered there..  The driver knows best and we drove straight through to Marathon without one stop, 455 miles without a bathroom break!  Wind was full force.  Hit a big tumbleweed.

What do we talk about on the road?  While driving through Laverne, OK  I noticed the banner over the highway that said Home to Miss America 1967, Jane Jayroe.  I said OK has  lot of Miss America winners. They must have a great ED and coaches.  Mike says, "No, OK has a lot of beautiful women.  On my Hooters Calendar, there are Quite a number from Oklahoma, FL and TX."

With a smart phone, I am switching between maps, facebook, picture taking and travel advisor so I'm busy, plus we are searching for a fitting bitchy name for the GPS. Alice is the one we've had the last 5 years and she is relegated to the pickup as she's steered us wrong.  This new truckers GPS won't take us on roads not fit for a big rig.  In Dallas traffic, I can see one move through town is plenty.

Dodge City

Antifreeze spewed out of the generator after a half-hour stop in McCook for a Shopcat walk and lunch.  After refilling the antifreeze there was no power to turn over the engine.  Mike could find no broken hoses so called the Marathon Service Center to talk to Leon.  He said to check the batteries with a volt meter.  We had no volt meter so GOT CRACKING to get to a campground cuz we would have no electricity or heat to boondock.  The nearest open campground was Dodge City and we arrived at 6:10PM at Watersport Campground.  There was still some snow in Dodge so we walked the camping spot and found it solid and parked and hooked up.  $21.  

horseshoe prints on the dike
The next morning Mike headed to get a volt meter and took the new gel batteries with the receipt to NAPA.  Gel batteries registered only 5 volts so NAPA put them on a trickle charger and would supply new replacements, if desired.  I walked the two miles around the ”lake", dried up from 4 years of drought  The trail said no horses, but 3/4 way around I hiked to the top of the dike to get a better view of the elevators.   Here's the horse route as horseshoe prints were evident all along the dike crest.  I could expect no less in the cow town of Dodge, home to the wild west best known sheriff, Wyatt Earp.  In the 1872-75 three million buffalo were killed on the high plains and 850,000 were shipped  out on the new RR in Dodge City.  Good buffalo hunters made 100/day. ($2100 in today's dollars).

Our sad faces cuz batteries for the generator not charging.  Waiting for new ones in Dodge City.  

That afternoon we played tourist and sent to Boothill Cemetery visitor center and rented a driving CD tour guide to Dodge.  Besides the 15 men and one woman buried with their boots on, we drove by historic churches and the old Fort Dodge, now the Kansas old soldiers nursing home.  What most impressed up was the one-mile square feed lot and the meat packing plant that employs 2800 and slaughters 6000 cattle per day.  National Beef is rancher owned and ships processed beef all over the world.

Mike checked on the batteries.  One charged, one not, so new batteries would arrive in the morning for us.  We watched "The World's Fastest Indian" on TV, a true story about Kiwi Burt Monro's motorcycle that broke the record at the Bonneville flats at 200 mph. 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Heading south 2015

Our 2015 RV Trip We waited to leave until it warmed up to at least 10 degrees at night.  Didn't want diesel jelling.  Last week was -25 degrees Wed. morning.  After closing up the house I was out at the shop by 7:30AM  Jan.14 to meet Mike and load up..Gas had dropped to $1.97 at the Whistlestop as I drove by which I took as a good omen.   The RV radio Mike played every day at the shop wouldn't start this morning.  Chris and Mike followed wires to no avail but miraculously it started working so several hours later we headed to Miles City. Broadus, across SD toward Valentine NE.We quit 77 miles short of that.

SD has designated I-90 from WY border to MN as Purple Heart Memorial Highway.  What highway  did MT dedicate?  It was dark and Mike exhausted so we spent the night boondocking in Murdo, home of an 1880 old west village.  Pulled pork sandwiches and broccoli apple salad.

How many Wall Drug signs are therre?  Free ice water, 5 cent coffee, free coffee and
donut for newlyweds and military.  There's 126 Wall Drug signs in VietNam alone.

Jan.15 - Highway 83 was our path all day to Dodge City.  Straight roads past corn fields, feed lots, shallow oil wells and wind turbines fill the landscape.

The generator for inside electricity had antifreeze blowup at McCook so Mike was on speed dial to the serviceman after batteries had no power.  Will get a volt meter in the AM.  It was essential to find an RV park so we would have power to keep us warm and electricity for lights tonight.  Chinese stir fry.

Hoping to connect with my brother, Clayton and Priscilla, in McKinney this weekend.  If we don't solve the battery power, Dallas is a Marathon service center and Monday will get experts involved.  In spite of the RV issues, you can't beat the good times cruising along with the one you love.

Yes, Shopcat is thrilled to be RVing.  Doesn't she look like it?