Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Legare gathering

Was a beautiful Sat in Denver - sunshine and temps in 50s. Ken Legare and Mary & Rick Weyer came from Parker over to Chatfield State Park to see us in our home away from home. We went over to watch the model planes fly. There were several F15 jets that sound just like the real ones. A fellow told us that one of them was valued at $48,000!

We had a great dinner with them at Champs and caught up on news since seeing them at Angela's wedding in Aug. Megan Legare will graduate from Vet school in April and is engaged. Rick used to drive big buses while in the service. Mary thought it would be a good idea to rent an RV and test out this life on the road. Their state campgrounds are awesome, so they wouldn't have to go far from home to give it a try. I charged my camera battery but forgot to take a picture of us step-brothers and sisters.

Wildlife included Canadian geese, magpies and rabbits that Shopcat enjoyed chasing.

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