Friday, March 11, 2011

Home again, home again, jiggity jig

We got home Wednesday afternoon. Snowdrifts in the home driveway and at the shop so no immediate access. When Mike went in the shop, the floor was covered with water as the last cold snap of -22 to 30 below had split a copper pipe. The drain field was saturated so with nowhere to go it filled the shop floor. It's all metal and cement, so renting a pump from Runnings took care of the water along with Mike's manual labor.

Still it's great to be home. Was a fun trip with lots of great memories. That coach is very dependable and kept us warm. Love that comfortable bed. Look forward to getting the TVs fixed to get cable and satellite...Mike is taking it back to Marathon in OR for some work next week.

Chris is anxious to see his bike and he has acquired all the motorcycle gear for safely riding.

We both like water so would like to go back to Galveston area again. Favorite RV PARK WAS ADVANCED RV IN HOUSTON. IT WOULD BE A GREAT PLACE FOR STAYING SEVERAL WEEKS OR as many do, stay for the winter.

Favorite meal was shrimp and pineapple on the grill. Favorite activity was the riverboat cruise along the Mississippi, but there were a lot of fun things we did. Sure enjoyed seeing Christensens in Cheyenne and Legare crew in Denver. Actually our favorite campground was Chatfield in Colorado State Park. We will definitely use the park system again. Biggest mystery - how Louisiana got permission to rebuild when most of the land is below sea level and why Glendive can't build as some buildings in the 100 year flood plain.

Shopcat made the whole trip and back again with no mishaps, although close calls with owls, dogs and not showing up when time to go. Next year we will be heading East, so stay tuned. If Shopcat is still around, I'm sure she will be going too.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Still in Cheyenne

With a winter storm coming thru we are staying put. Todd uses - more accurate than .com and 511WY. WE'VE LOOKED A A LOT OF WEBCAMS.

Since Mike's not moving we went to the capitol, an awesome duplicate of our nation's with a gold dome and stained glass ceilings in both the house and senate chambers. It reminded me a lot of MT's capitol - same layout. In the staircase,one spindle is put in upside down so the building isn't trying to be perfect, like god. The Black and white tile floor is filled with fossils. Everyone very friendly and helpful. We went to the state museum, ate lunch at Sanford's Grub an Such ( a chain) filled with memorabilia and then met Colette and kids at botanical gardens. The greenhouse is completely heated by the sun - they have black barrels to absorb the heat and give it off at night. Pretty cool place run 90% by volunteers. We then went to early dinner at Pizza Hut.

Later Todd, a physicist at the Regional Cancer Center, gave us a tour of their radiation machines. They had a tomo machine before Denver - 158th of 200 made. Sidney just got one-the only one in MT.

Laying low here again today, Tuesday, as I have to delegate to others back home some of my commitments. We're going to lunch with the pastor, Mark Rossi, this afternoon

Cheyenne & Christensens

Got to Cheyenne and Lighthouse Baptist Church in time for church and then went to Colette & Todd's 30 miles toward Laramie. They had a generous meal of beef ribs, potatoes, corn, jello, strawberries, peppers, and pumpkin bars. Tom & Judy Christensen who live downstairs joined us. We heard great stories of 4-H fair and at my request, a piano concert by Thomas, Amanda, Malea and Thadius. What a great family. The kids cleared the table and did dishes. Todd and Colette are so engaging with their stories of life with the kids and animals.

We had a mean game of dominoes. If you don't immediately tap when down to one, you pick up 7. If you can't play another match after playing a double, everyone picks up until someone can play on it. We did chores between rounds and then back to town for 6PM church.

With a winter storm coming, Mike went in early. We are staying behind the church which used to be a truck stop so are hooked up to a 30 amp circuit on Monday when it looked like we'd be there for a while. Black ice by Douglas. Anxious to get home but what can we do?

Legare gathering

Was a beautiful Sat in Denver - sunshine and temps in 50s. Ken Legare and Mary & Rick Weyer came from Parker over to Chatfield State Park to see us in our home away from home. We went over to watch the model planes fly. There were several F15 jets that sound just like the real ones. A fellow told us that one of them was valued at $48,000!

We had a great dinner with them at Champs and caught up on news since seeing them at Angela's wedding in Aug. Megan Legare will graduate from Vet school in April and is engaged. Rick used to drive big buses while in the service. Mary thought it would be a good idea to rent an RV and test out this life on the road. Their state campgrounds are awesome, so they wouldn't have to go far from home to give it a try. I charged my camera battery but forgot to take a picture of us step-brothers and sisters.

Wildlife included Canadian geese, magpies and rabbits that Shopcat enjoyed chasing.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Balloon Museum

Albuquerque is famous for its balloon festival started in 1977 that runs the first weekend through the 2nd weekend in Oct. Zebras (referees) help direct the 500 balloons that take off by rows. Hot Air Ballooning started in France in 1785 and very acive in the 1800s. I was privileged to balloon with Mike's family over the wine fields of France in 2009. No wonder it captures everyone's imagination. It was certainly on my bucket list. TW attended the festival last year with Candy and other college DJs. Would like to see the festival live,,,but not the crowds. Like Sweet Pea, there's a poster for each year and now multiple pins.

The Double Eagle Traversed the Atlantic in 1977 and Double Eagle II crossed the Pacific in 1984. Long before then in 1920s & 1930 air ships with passengers were the luxury liners of today, crossing the Atlantic in two days-140 trips. The Zeppelin air ship was 100' in diameter and 775' that took passengers regularly across the Atlantic. 20 people were on the around the world flight with 4 stops in 1930. The Hindenburg disaster in 1937 and the economy ended that era but were used by military in WWI.

Fabulous architecture on the building. Mike was good on balloon simulator.

Chatfield State Park

A treasure so close to Denver yet we feel we are in the woods alone. Awesome place that I'm sure is hopping in summer. Shopcat loves all the birds. The lake and the privately run marina and drydock system and the wonderful trail system are worth replicating. Winter rates $20 plus the $8 Colorado park fee.

There is a model plane flying area adjacent to the campground thatwas built by park system, but maintained by club. We watched a guy fly today-probably more on weekend. Mike said he didn't want to practice and crash in front of these people. He's been using simulator- doesn't cost when you crash.

Looking forward to Ken & Mary & Rich coming out tomorrow and then we;ll go out for dinner. Going to Colette & Todd's in Cheyenne for church and then over to the house.

Trinidad, CO

Just over 200 miles from Santa Fe, we spent the night at a Budget Hotel Rv PARK. Worked fine $30. We explored Trinidad - known for its Victorian Homes and coal mining. Nice lake -would be fun summer place 60 degrees today,

Turquoise Trail

This is the back way between Albuquerque and Santa Fe. We went to the ski areA AND WAY ABOVE THat to the lookout peak at 10,400' awesome view. Madrid was a former minint town, then ghost town and now artists have turned it into a tourist destination or trap, depending how you look at it. Wild Hogs was filmed here and took over the town with 1500 people that year. They compensated the stores for their loss as there was no parking for tourists and the only through street was blocked off.

Had lunch - beers were $3.95 each and then went to next town Cherillos which had a "museum". Mike paid the $2 for me to go in. The guy had trays of rocks and rock chips that would make his place worth $2 million if he got what was marked. He got most of his bottles from combing the dumpground. This was an experiment he said. I didn'[t get rocks for Jayden in one of those shops in Las Cruces plaza so thought I'd get them at some of these mine spots, but they want $3 for one chip rather than a small bag of colored pebbles. Fun side trip. One gal told us the whole history of turquoise mining and the Indians that cover shells with turquoise shavings ( her boss owned the mine). Didn't buy--not my thing.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ready to Head Home

I'm homesick for friends and things are falling apart at FTT. DJ quit before he was fired. But he's the only one trained to make labels. Orders to be filled. We just need more store help. Bruce is writing grants; Garth is trying to keep up with everything. Weather is too cold to return right now. Mike suggested taking coach to Oregon today to get some things worked on. Yikes. Leadership Glendive, Makoshika BB- I've got too much to do to play snowbird....but tomorrow we're taking the Turquoise Trail.

Next morning we realize we've got too much stuff to take the coach to Oregon, drop it off and get the shrimp, our clothes, gifts and shopcat's stuff in the pickup as it's already filled with a motorcycle, a chiminea and ristras.

Rail Runner & ART

You can take the train between Albuquerque and Santa Fe. There's 11 stops if you went the whole way from 10 miles S to the old Santa Fe RR station. Commuters use it, cheaper than driving. The governor started the Rail Runner 4 YEARS AGO. It beeps like Road Runner cartoon before moving. I took it to Santa Fe today round trip for $7. Conductor wanted to give me the senior rate but I said no. I was asked at the Georgia O'KEEFE museum except she diplomatically says "Which rate are you?" I've never been in so many galleries with such beautiful and $$ art. Everything was in the thousand$ until I went to the Georgia O'Keefe. Why are there so many guards???--well, her paintings have recently sold for $3,5 million. Did buy some notecards. A docent gave a guided tour -most interesting!! GLAD I WENT - WORTH FULL PRICE of $10!

Here's an idea that could be replicated. At one of the art galleries, they had phone # and 36#. When you called it you heard from the artist how he got his start. One flunked art class in HS. Bet he's rubbing it in now as his stuff was $22,000 (ART GALLERY TAKES HALF.) This painting by 60 year old artist.

RV Parks are not equal

We just about spooled up and left the Hacienda RV as the manager cussed Mike up one side and down the other for washing the coach. He had asked permission and uses a small power washer and is absolutely anal about it. No - you have to use their bonded washers folks who charge $100 and do it on site also. No internet all the time there ( I've got wifi stick, thank God). That's icicles on the fountain

Someone recommended Isletta RV Park by Hard Rock Casino south of Albuqueque. The campground on the reservation had only one coach out of 55 spots. They said not enough room for trailer and no room to store it unless paid for two spaces. $30 each. We are talking wide open desert here. Even tho we paid more than $60 in New Orleans, we were too stubborn and they were to stuborn to budge, so off we went farther up the road to another I'd found but Mike pointed out it has to have the word RV in the title. So 3rd try-north of Albuqueque Stagecoach RV, we found a home...a pull thru that we can leave the trailer attached.

So I got a low grade in RV park finding today, But I'd give Advanced RV PARK IN HOUSTON an A+. I'D LIVE THERE FOR THE WINTER. JUST THE NICEST FOLKS -and heated pool and next to a reserve. Shopcat loved it too.

Actually we both love the state park so will search for that in the future. Boondocking is also fun.